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"Welcome” – our front door reads…and we mean it. Where pop by-ers are welcome and the scent of coffee and laundry take turns. Our home tells a story, and I think thats my favorite part. In any room I go in there is a piece of something, that shares a relationship with someone.
Why does it feel like June and July are 5 minutes long. Its almost September ! Which means it’s basically Christmas…I guess what I’m trying to say is, Happy New Year! No, but really – I can’t believe we are making holiday plans already. As fast as it went, we tried still soak in the summer season with these 9 favorites family family days.
9 to dos before the kids are back to school
1.Lemonade Stand
Cha Ching! We planned our lemonade stand around some contruction happening on our road. Nothing tastes better than a cold cup of summer’s sweetness on a hot day. The workers loved it and the kids had a great opportunity to make some serious cash! I wrote out “Lemonade Stand” on a piece of note book paper and let them get crafty as they made their own signs. This was also the perfect time to pull out their Learning Resources Pretend and Play Calculator and cash regestier to practice our counting and numbers. I asked what they were saving for – “Horses!” they said. One named Sparky & the other named Maggie.
2. Scavenger Hunt
You can make this as easy or complex as your Momma heart desires. We opted for a smooth rock, a bunde of dry sticks, 5 acrons, bird poop (because let’s be honest what 5 year old doesn’t think poop is hilarous!) , and a handful of unbroken “helicopters” … you know, the little green seeds that fall from oak trees. They set out on foot with little bags we already had in a drawer. The girls took their mission very seriously. The acrons had to have the hats on too – which posed to be quite the challege! But we did it! When we got back home the girls went to the top of the deck to toss the helicopters and watch them twirl through the air. We also dropped their stick piles off in the fire pit for a quick marshmellow treat before we headed back inside.
3. Paint/Color Rocks.
I think this one has my favorite vote; a sweet way to honor both my girls and husband too. Our girls deeply moarn the loss of their Grandpa so we used this as an oppurtinuty to dress up “Poppas Place”. These rocks have been a small miracle for them to cope with their grief and connect with the memories they have. We found a pack of 24 colorful sharpie markers during school supply shopping. Now was a perfect time to use those smooth rocks we found on our scavenger hunt. Since we started this, they continue to find perfect rocks and create a speical present for their Poppa.
4. Hike
The girls especially like this one because of the freedom it allows for their exploring hearts. Saylor is usually our leader, while Sami takes her time to find the lady bug looking for lunch, or the ant carrying a crumb larger than its body. Try and walk across a log like a balance beam or see if you can spy any animal tracks. Isn’t nature amazing?
5. Beach day.
Sams favorite, and the dogs too.
A simple google search of “closest beaches to me” should populate some great options. We were so impressed with Edge Water in Cleveland and all it offered for our kids and pooches too! The kids and dogs chased each other up and down the shore line for hours. I could feel how full their hearts were. Ever see a dog smile? I have. We packed sandwiches and learned how to skip rocks, somehow harder than I remember. It was very relaxing to just sit back and breath, it felt so good for our souls. We needed this day.
6. Go to the park and pick up trash.
There’s something so gratifing about voluteering. Our girls take so much pride in keeping thier spaces clean. Feeling down? Go help someone or some place. Nothing resets your mindset like good ol’ fashion commuinty service. Really challenge yourself and do it in silence. Resist the urge to jump on social media and share with the world what a great person you are. Just do it. That old saying rings true. “Leave every place better than you found it.” …I’ve learned that can apply to people too.
7. Go to a museum
A dinosaur museum, a troll museum, a butterfly museum, a fire fighter museum — these are just in few in our area that are worth the trip! Make sure you get down on your child’s level here to fully experience all the things your selection offers. I am always amazed at how well our girl’s adapt to different surroundings and artifacts. Learning is so fun!
8. Picnic
I like to pair any picnic with a view. Is there a spot near by a creek you can find? Maybe a nice tree? Our girls have become quite the avid climbers over the years. There’s a quite little waterfall near by I’ve been eyeing for our next picnic lunch. Where can you soak in the sounds and sights of serity? Unpack your basket and enjoy all the things your picnic has to offer.
9. PJ Day
Can I get an Amen? Stay in PJs ALL day long! I mean sign me up right? We pitched a tent to set the mood just right. A dozen cozy blankets, tons of snacks, and all the snuggles this Momma could handle. We did manicures and pedis, even cut a cumcumber for our eyes – Ahh so reIaxing! I cant wait to this one again . Maybe even pair with a screen free day? Nah…more like wine night.
All great idea! I love them them all.
Thank you Mom 🙂
Super fun ideas! I love that you did some special things to count down until school.
Thank you Jamie!
I absolutely love the museum idea! On another note, How wonderful it is that you Incorporate healthy lifestyles for your children and turn it into a fun, exciting day?! You are truly a Wonder Woman ! I will be staying tuned to this blog for more tips, keep em’ comin !
Thank you Rachel ! Yes! We love some good old healthy fun 🙂